Contraindications – now on Kindle


I’m pleased to say that my chapbook of six poems, Contraindications, is now available for Amazon Kindle. It will still be available here as a PDF, so readers have a choice of formats to suit their devices, and the option to print. We will also be publishing on other platforms, like Kobo, shortly.

Thanks go to Gabriel May for the hours he spent grappling with code, formatting and converting the files by hand. It was a laborious process; one I couldn’t have managed without his patience and technical expertise. If you need your own ebook converted, Gabriel is considering offering his services to more writers – so get in touch.

Contraindications: a chapbook of six poems

Today, on my 26th birthday, I’m presenting my chapbook of poems, Contraindications.

I’ve been putting together Contraindications for a few years. Various poems have been floating around in magazines, and I think it’s  time to unite them neatly.

Unsurprisingly, they stem from passing through the medical system. Marfans, PTSD, eating disorders; they all have to go somewhere. These poems are what I was working on while I should have been filling out those forms asking “on a scale of one to ten, how much difficulty do you have concentrating?”.

Sewn together into a little white book, perhaps it isn’t neat at all. But neither am I.

It’s free to download and only available here, for the time being. Ebook publishers have a way of mangling the format, and I like to have control.